We would like to make use of it in our future activities. Thank you very much.

CCIFJ Ambassador Seiichiro Hayashi of Kawasaki Machine Industry produced technology collaboration of 3 companies at KMI SKY ART, Miyawaki Baisen (Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city) which is a CCIFJ member, and traditional Kyoto fan’s company and, Kyoto Leather (Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city) which is a manufacturer of Leather product using newest leather technique, and Dr. Sidobre, who pursues possibility of 3D printing technology in Japan.
Considering about future bamboo shortage, Kyoto fans’ outer and inner rib are manufactured with carbon kevlar by 3D printing, and fans’ surface is made of leather which have cool and high quality.
And September 27 on Friday, 2019, we introduced it at CCIFJ Gala Party (Imperial Hotel Osaka).
(Company Information)
Kyoto Leather
KYOTO Leather combines Japanese traditional techniques with this highest rank “WAGYU Leather” to make a fascinating new leather materials. “HIMEKAWA YUZEN” which is a dying technique after long research and development its natural material has adequate hardness and durability. Collaboration of traditional technique and latest technology express its beauty of color and pattern.

Miyawaki Baisen
It is founded in 1823. Long established manufacturer and seller of various folding fans
including fans for Japanese dance, summer fans, decorated fans. Texture and folding degree and are highly evaluated and user-friendly. In 1959, a celebration fan was dedicated to an emperor on occasion of marriage of emperor.

From France. Researched materials in major sized foreign affiliated aircraft manufacturer, based in Kyoto now attracted by Kyoto’ tradition and history.
伝統技術と最新技術の融合、3社のコラボレーションによる新たな価値の創造 ~レザー(革)と3Dプリンティングの組み合わせ 伝統ある京扇子への挑戦~
在日フランス商工会議所(以下、CCIFJ)会員企業でもある 京扇子の老舗 ㈱宮脇賣扇庵(京都市中京区)、革新技術を駆使したレザー製品製造 KYOTO Leather㈱(京都市中京区)、海外大手航空機メーカーで材料の研究、その後、京都の地で3Dプリンティング技術の可能性を追求するジルダス・シドブル工学博士の三社の特徴ある技術のコラボレーションを、CCIFJ アンバサダー 林 誠一郎が代表取締役を務める川崎機械工業㈱ KMI SKY ARTにて総合プロデュースしました。
そして、2019年9月27日(金)ここCCIFJガラ・パーティー(大阪 帝国ホテル)にてお披露目致しました。
KYOTO Leather株式会社(京都レザー)