
The First Class Seat presented by Sky Art

Sky Art has produced a top of the line First Class Seat for the Aerospace Industry. The framework of the seat is made with gold plated wood and the backrest is covered with luxurious silk. It has been created by 3 companies namely Kawasaki Machine Industry, Miyazaki Furniture and Horikin. 13 The official presentation ceremony was held in the prestigious Kyoto Hotel Okura on the 27th of January. It was attended by approximately 60 top officials from all around Japan. We were honored to have highly respectable guests including the French Chamber of Commerce, Nicolas Bonnardel. On top of that a maiko presented the seat in fashionable manner. The 3 corporations that took part in the conception of the seat were undoubtedly also present and introduced their business in their own booth. Moreover the pictures and the books of the German photographer Werner Bartsch, whose photos are for sale on this website, were presented in the special booth. 54 After Mr. Bonnardel opened the event with the cocktail speech, all guests were welcome to try the First Class Seat out and take pictures with the maiko. Unfortunately the first class seat is currently not for sale, but with the seat we want to show the world what we are capable of when traditional companies in Kyoto work together. You can find more information about this event through articles published on the website of the French Chamber of Commerce and the newspapers Sankeibiz and Sankei.

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